08/04/1990— 18/12/ 2017[1]
In the wake of the songs that has been sung thousands of times
Was it saying goodbye of a voice
Despite the guffaws
Like flowing of tear
Despite all the rains
A flower that withered within twenty seven seconds

Was it voice of a farewell
That the way the winds blow the leaves away
But his whole existence
Like the things that migratory birds had left behind as gifts

Which sings their own songs
Was that a farewell
You know it, don't you?
While going
You have never gone, are still living
Voice of you, every time
Sings the song of today

Staying, your soul is with us on each day
The whole which consists of a-little-of-me and a-little-of-you
Also of each-of-us and none-of-us
For this reason
Want to rebel, the questions!

Poet: Cihat ÖZKAN

[1]I translated my poem that is abouth Kim Jonghyun and from my Kim Jonghyun writing, for that reason foreigner people wanted translation of this poem of mine.


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